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Hydra is the most popular day-trip destination in Greece (24/03/2016)

Hydra is the most impressive island in the Argo Saronic Gulf. Due to its close distance to Athens, it gets very popular as a summer weekend destination.  A whaleback ridge looming from the sea, Hydra shot to fame in 1956 as the location for A Girl in Black, directed by Michael Cacoyannis, with an extra filip in 1957 for hosting Boy on a Dolphin, starring Sophia Loren.

Soon various foreign personalities (including Leonard Cohen) bought and restored property there, joining prominent Greeks who had long appreciated the island’s charms. Sumptuous mansions and humbler vernacular homes arrayed amphitheatrically around the marble-quayed harbour date from the 18th and 19th centuries, when Hydriot seafaring prowess brought great wealth. Despite its high-profile reputation, and the mid-day arrival of “One-Day Saronic Cruises”, the island remains endearingly time-warped: as a listed architectural reserve, all new construction is banned, and it’s blissfully free of motor vehicles except for a few miniature rubbish trucks, photogenic donkeys (or mules) do most haulage. The clip-clop of the beasts’ hooves on marble pavement and their drovers’ cries are very much part of the soundtrack there.

Traditional stone mansions, narrow cobblestoned streets, secluded squares and above all the banning of cars and the use of around 500 donkeys as means of public transportation, explain the reason why Hydra preserved its distinctive atmosphere through the passage of time. The island experienced exceptional economic growth in the past thanks to its great naval and commercial activity. The Hydriots contributed significantly also to the 1821 War of Independence as their powerful fleet participated in crucial sea battles.